Freetime activities
Topic 1: Where you live Tell me about your hometown/street/apartment. What do you like about your hometown/street/house/apartment? Tell me the good things about your house. Is there anything you don’t like about it? Would you like to move to another city/street/house/apartment? What would you change about your city? Would you recommend your area/street as a good place to live? Nouns Winding street suburb architecture The locals (= people) local cuisine shopping Residential area estate neighbourhood Apartment complex capital Ø Adjectives Sprawling regionally important commercial Unique distinctive built-up Industrial provincial Ø Idioms run down (= in bad condition) some areas are run-down up-market/ chic (= fashionable) some neighbourhoods are very up-market/ chic Topic 2a: What you do—your job Tell me about your job./ What job do you do? Why did you choose this job? What do you like about your job? How long have you been doing this job? Is there anything you don’t like? Nouns profession line of business occupation line of work Ø Verbs be involved in share responsibility for work within a team Ø Adjectives hectic exhausting taxing intricate undemanding Ø Idioms work flat out (= work very hard) Sometimes I have to work flat out. on the go (= very busy) I'm always on the go. get to the bottom of(= solve) I have to get to the bottom of problems related to... pull out all the stops(=make a ... ادامه مطلب