IELTS Writing  best Teacher

IELTS Writing best Teacher

Take your IELTS Course with a world-class IELTS and EAP Teacher from Iran. Dr. Arian Karimi is a IELTS Writing Teacher, an IELTS Researcher and Test Developer that helps you in your IELTS journey Specialising in Language Assessment Research and Validation. IELTS WRITING COURSE IN ONE WEEK is the best way to: SHARPEN YOUR WRIITNG SKILL IN A WEEK TO SCORE 7+ IN WRITING MODULE OF THE IELT LEARN AND PRACTICE WRIITNG STERATEGIES UNDER AN IELTS EXPERT SUPERVISION ALL DO AND DON'T IN IELTS WRITING IN AN ONLINE IELTS WRITING CRASH COURSE ویدیو نمونه کلاس آیلتس دکتر آرین کریمی و آشنایی با سوالات و فرمت تست آیلتس What you'll be learning with this IELTS Writing Teacher Essay structures for all IELTS essay types Advanced grammar and vocabulary for academic writing Useful vocabulary for the common topics in IELTS writing Tips and strategies for thinking of ideas and examples How to get a high score in all parts of the IELTS writing How to use linking words correctly How and when to use synonyms How to effectively use punctuation Which common grammar mistakes to avoid Advanced writing techniques How to describe all of the different graphs (Academic ielts Task 1) How to write a report on different topics (General training ielts Task 1)  IELTS Writing Task 2 Free IELTS tutorials and Tips by your IELTS Writing Teacher If you are prepared, there is no reason for confusion in 2nd task of the writing module of the IELTS. The writing task is devided into 2 parts and Task 2 is worth more. So, you should assign 40' to write an essay including at least 250 words and you have a limited time, concentrate and focus on the task at hand. The academic task 2 will require ... ادامه مطلب