Recent IELTS exams

Recent IELTS exams

دوره فشرده آیلتس با دکتر آرین کریمی   جدیدترین سوالات آیلتس آکادمیک سال 2022 در کویت   Recent IELTS exams   Thanks to our students from Kuwait we can share the following IELTS questions from a recent exam:   Writing test   Writing task 1 (a report)   We were given a line graph showing the weather conditions in Glasgow, Scotland from January to December, including the maximum and minimum temperatures in degrees Celsius.   Writing task 2 (an essay) Some people say that popular TV entertainment programs should aim to educate viewers about some social issues. To what extent do you agree or disagree?   Speaking test   Part 1 (Interview) – What is your full name?– Can I see your ID?– Where are you from?– Do you work or study?– What do you do?– How do you manage your time?– Do you find it difficult to manage time?   Part 2 (Cue Card) Talk about a new language that you learnt. Please say – when you did it– how you did it– who helped you with it– and explain how you feel about it now.   Part 3 (Discussion) – What are the benefits of learning a new language?– How can you learn a new language easily?– Can children learn it faster than adults?– What do you think is the reason? ویدیو نمونه کلاس آیلتس دکتر آرین کریمی و آشنایی با سوالات و فرمت تست آیلتس ... ادامه مطلب