ielts class in 2018
خانه آیلتس دکتر آرین کریمی برگزار میکند : دوره فوق فشرده آیلتس نوروزی با دکتر کریمی در تعطیلات نوروز و نیمه دوم فروردین ماه 1397 Academic Module of the IELTS test in Nepal on March 2018 Writing Test Writing task 1 (a report) We were given a graph showing the percentage of dependent population in four countries in year 2000 and a projection for 2050. Writing task 2 (an essay) Nowadays the importance of teachers is diminishing due to increased availability of alternative resources to students. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement? Speaking Test IELTS Interview – What is your full name? – Can I see your ID? – Where are you from? – Do you work or study? – What do you do? – Can you describe your job? – Do you like presents? – What do you like the most about presents? – Describe a gift you didn’t like. – Why didn’t you like it? – What are the places where children and adults can spend leisure time together in your city? – What are public transport options in your area? – What are the problems in transport service there? IELTS Cue Card Describe a recent development undertaken in your area. Please say – What is it? – What are the advantages and disadvantages of it? – Do you like the idea behind it? Why? IELTS Discussion – What is your opinion about using public funds to build sports centres? ... ادامه مطلب