آموزش اصطلاحات و جملات پرکاربرد زبان انگلیسی

آموزش اصطلاحات و جملات پرکاربرد زبان انگلیسی

خانه آیلتس آرین : آموزش اصطلاحات و جملات پرکاربرد زبان انگلیسی درهنگام ورود و تسویه حساب هتل   Useful Words and Phrases Used at a Hotel   This page lists English words and phrases used in the international hotel industry. Each word is shown with its contextual meaning and an example sentence.   word part of speech meaning example sentence adjoining rooms noun two hotel rooms with a door in the centre If you want we can book your parents in an adjoining room. amenities noun local facilities such as stores and restaurants We are located downtown, so we are close to all of the amenities. attractions noun things for tourists to see and do The zoo is our city's most popular attraction for kids. baggage noun bags and suitcases packed with personal belongings If you need help with your baggage we have a cart you can use. Bed and Breakfast noun a home that offers a place to stay and a place to eat I can book you into a beautiful Bed and Breakfast on the lake. bellboy noun a staff member who helps guests with their luggage The bellboy will take your bags to your room for you. book verb arrange to stay in a hotel I can book your family in for the weekend of the seventh. booked adj full, no vacancies I'm afraid the hotel is bookedtonight. brochures noun small booklets ... ادامه مطلب