ielts January 2019

ielts January 2019

IELTS reading actual test main subjects in 2018 and 2019   نمونه سوالات واقعی آزمون های آیلتس در سال 2018 و 2019 در بخش reaing   دوره فشرده Reading آیلتس در 10 جلسه با دکتر آرین کریمی     They are NOT predicted by IELTS teachers they are reported by IELTS test takers who take part in IELTS official tests recentely.   January 2018   Reading 1: Groucho Marx Arthur Sheekman Reading 2: An Earth – Shaking discovery Reading 3: Think happy Reading 4: Working in the movies Reading 5: Complementary and alternative medicine Reading 6: The cloud messenger   February 2018   Reading 7: Walking with dinosaurs Reading 8: Endangered languages Reading 9: The robots are coming Reading 10: Keep a Watchful Eye on the Bridges Reading 11: Activities for Children Reading 12: Roller coaster Reading 13: Aphantasia: A life without mental images Reading 14: Life lessons from villains, crooks and gangsters Reading 15: Mysterious Dark Matter May Not Always Have Been Dark Reading 16: Scientists Are Mapping the World's Largest Volcano Reading 17: We know the city where HIV first emerged Reading 18: Penguins' anti-ice trick revealed   April 2018   Reading 19: What is it that draws us to these creatures? Reading 20: How did science fiction writer HG Wells predict its invention three decades before the first detonations? Reading 21: The growth of intelligence Reading 22: DISORDERS: AN OVERVIEW Reading 23: THE DEVELOPING WORLD Reading 24: BIOMETRICS   May 2018   Reading 25: Nushu — A Secret Language Reading 26: Venus Flytrap Reading 27: Growth Model Reading 28: The Development of Travel under the Ocean Reading 29: Vitamins - To supplement or not? Reading 30: The Birth of Suburbia   June 2018   Reading 31: “Freebie” Marketing Reading 32: Tacoma Narrows Bridge – Disaster Strikes Reading 33: ... ادامه مطلب

IELTS Speaking test in Nepal – January 2019   Interview – What is your full name?– Can I see your ID?– Where are you from?– Do you work or study?– Where do you work?– Describe your first day at work.– Do you like your job?– Do you prefer parks or gardens?– Do you like to visit activity parks or natural gardens?– Do you like to eat in restaurants?– Do you like cooking?– For most people cooking is a chore, why is that?– What do you think about it?   Cue Card   Describe a multinational company that you know well. Please say – What company is it?– How did you know about it?– Would you like to work there? Why?   Discussion   – People say that large companies gain popularity faster than local businesses. Do you agree or disagree?– Why do people want to work in large companies rather than in small ones?– What kind of company would you choose? Why?   IELTS Speaking test in India – January 2019   Interview   – What is your full name?– Can I see your ID?– Where are you from?– Do you work or study?– What do you do?– Do you like your job?– Would you like to change it in the future?– Do you think breakfast is important?– Why do you think so?– What do you usually have for breakfast?– Do you think it is good for you? Why?   Cue Card   Describe a part of your country that you find interesting. Please say – What and where is it?– How do you know about it?– What activities do people usually do there?   Discussion   – What are main differences between places to visit and to live in?– Why are people different in different parts of the same ... ادامه مطلب