IELTS Listening Test Sample   Section 1. A conversation with post office staff about sending a parcel. Section 2. A discussion between a professor and students about their training. Section 3. Don’t remember. Section 4. A lecture about children and social environment.   IELTS Reading Test Sample   Passage 1. About bus stops and road signs related to that. Questions: filling in blanks, match headings to paragraphs.   Passage 2. About employee absence form. Passage 3. Some cartography related information, from ancient to modern maps.   IELTS Writing test Sample   Writing task 1 (a letter)   You are leaving a job and coming back to your hometown. Write a letter to your friend and say   – What is the reason for your leaving? – What do you plan to do? – Where and when will you meet your friend to discuss it?   Writing Task 2 (an essay)   Education system is introducing more academic subjects instead of exercises and sports. How will it impact the children? What can be done about it?   IELTS WRITING CLASS & IELTS READING CLASS WITH DR.ARIAN KARIMI ... ادامه مطلب

IELTS Preparation Online course via Skype Whatsapp   with Dr. Arian Karimi IELTS Expert Certified by the UK from IRAN   General IELTS test in Canada on January in 2018   IELTS Listening test   Section 1. An employment application form. Section 2. About arrangements for an event. Section 3. A conversation between two people about an audio lecture. Section 4. Don’t remember.   IELTS Reading test   Passage 1. About cleanliness of public transport including trains. Passage 2. About several shops selling different items and each paragraph had a particular shop description. Passage 3. Don’t remember. Passage 4. About the Great Fire of London that happened in September 1666.   IELTS Writing test   Writing task 1 (a letter)   Write a letter to your colleague from another department asking him/her to give a presentation at a conference. In your letter say   – What is the conference about? – Why do you want him/her to give the presentation? – What arrangements will you have to make?   Writing Task 2 (an essay)   Some people want academic subjects such as history and physics to be taught at secondary school. Others want practical skills such asmechanical and gardening to be taught. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. ... ادامه مطلب

How to prepare for IELTS exam in one week Score 7.5 in 7 days Study for Academic IELTS at home Academic Module of the IELTS test was held in Nepal on December 2018   Writing Test   Writing task 1 (a report)   We were given a diagram of the new planned structure in a town. We had to summarize and explain it.   Writing task 2 (an essay)   Scientists agree that many people eat too much junk food and it is damaging their health. Some people think that this problem can be solved by educating people, while others believe that education will not work. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.   Speaking Test   IELTS Interview   – What is your full name? – Can I see your ID? – Where are you from? – Do you work or study? – What subject are you studying? – Why did you choose it? – Can you describe your home? – Which room do you like the most? – Do you have plants at home? – Did you ever plant any kind of plants? – Would you appreciate if someone gifted you a plant? – Do you have savings? – Did you give money as a gift to children? – What is your opinion about giving pocket money to children? – Did your parents give you money for doing household work?   IELTS Cue Card   Describe a place you have visited and you traveled by public transport. Please say   – What and where is this place? – Who did you go there with? – Did you like the experience?   IELTS Discussion   – How popular is public transport in your city? – What are the advantages and disadvantages of using it? ... ادامه مطلب

IELTS reading actual test main subjects in 2018 and 2019   نمونه سوالات واقعی آزمون های آیلتس در سال 2018 و 2019 در بخش reaing   دوره فشرده Reading آیلتس در 10 جلسه با دکتر آرین کریمی     They are NOT predicted by IELTS teachers they are reported by IELTS test takers who take part in IELTS official tests recentely.   January 2018   Reading 1: Groucho Marx Arthur Sheekman Reading 2: An Earth – Shaking discovery Reading 3: Think happy Reading 4: Working in the movies Reading 5: Complementary and alternative medicine Reading 6: The cloud messenger   February 2018   Reading 7: Walking with dinosaurs Reading 8: Endangered languages Reading 9: The robots are coming Reading 10: Keep a Watchful Eye on the Bridges Reading 11: Activities for Children Reading 12: Roller coaster Reading 13: Aphantasia: A life without mental images Reading 14: Life lessons from villains, crooks and gangsters Reading 15: Mysterious Dark Matter May Not Always Have Been Dark Reading 16: Scientists Are Mapping the World's Largest Volcano Reading 17: We know the city where HIV first emerged Reading 18: Penguins' anti-ice trick revealed   April 2018   Reading 19: What is it that draws us to these creatures? Reading 20: How did science fiction writer HG Wells predict its invention three decades before the first detonations? Reading 21: The growth of intelligence Reading 22: DISORDERS: AN OVERVIEW Reading 23: THE DEVELOPING WORLD Reading 24: BIOMETRICS   May 2018   Reading 25: Nushu — A Secret Language Reading 26: Venus Flytrap Reading 27: Growth Model Reading 28: The Development of Travel under the Ocean Reading 29: Vitamins - To supplement or not? Reading 30: The Birth of Suburbia   June 2018   Reading 31: “Freebie” Marketing Reading 32: Tacoma Narrows Bridge – Disaster Strikes Reading 33: ... ادامه مطلب

IELTS In a Nutshell Course with Dr. Arian Karimi an IELTS Teacher From Iran     IELTS Reading Test Passage 1. About a study on dinosaurs.Passage 2. About food facilities in a school.Passage 3. Theories about people working in a group. IELTS Writing Test Writing task 1 (a report) We were given a chart describing the percentages of people who had 5 serves of fruit and vegetables per day, in the UK from 2001 to 2008. Writing task 2 (an essay) Some people believe that the government should take care of old people and provide financial support after they retire. Others say individuals should save during their working years to fund their own retirement. What is your opinion? Give reasons for your answer and include examples from your own experience.   IELTS Speaking Part IELTS Speaking Interview Part– What is your full name?– Can I see your ID?– Where are you from?– Do you work or study?– Do you like cooking?– Do you like to eat home made food or do you prefer to eat out?– When was the last time you had some home made food?– Do you drink a lot of water?– Do you prefer to drink bottled or tap water? IELTS Speaking Cue Card Part Describe a person you know who is beautiful in your opinion. Please say – Who the person is– What he/she looks like– Why you think he/she is beautiful– How you feel about him/her IELTS Speaking Discussion Part – Do you think beauty is important in our society?– Is it good that people give so much importance to beauty?– Can people who aren’t attractive be as successful as beautiful people?– Are clothes important to a person’s success?– Are fashion shows really necessary? ... ادامه مطلب

READING PASSAGE 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13 which are based on Reading Passage 1 below. ویدیو نمونه کلاس آیلتس دکتر آرین کریمی و آشنایی با سوالات و فرمت تست آیلتس   The dugong: Sea cow   Dugongs are herbivorous mammals that spend their entire lives in the sea. Their close relatives the manatees also venture into or live in freshwater. Together dugongs and manatees make up the order Sirenia or sea cows, so-named because dugongs and manatees are thought to have given rise to the myth of the mermaids or sirens of the sea.   A   The dugong, which is a large marine mammal which, together with the manatees, looks rather like a cross between a rotund dolphin and a walrus. Its body, flippers and fluke resemble those of a dolphin but it has no dorsal fin. Its head looks somewhat like that of a walrus without the long tusks.   B   Dugongs, along with other Sirenians whose diet consists mainly of sea-grass; and the distribution of dugongs very closely follows that of these marine flowering plants. As seagrasses grow rooted in the sediment, they are limited by the availability of light. Consequently they are found predominantly in shallow coastal waters, and so too are dugongs. But, this is not the whole story. Dugongs do not eat all species of seagrass, preferring seagrass of higher nitrogen and lower fibre content.   C   Due to their poor eyesight, dugongs often use smell to locate edible plants. They also have a strong tactile sense, and feel their surroundings with their long sensitive bristles. They will dig up an entire plant and then shake it to remove the sand before eating it. They have been known to collect a ... ادامه مطلب