آرین کریمی

آرین کریمی

گروه آموزش آیلتس و تافل استاد آرین کریمی

خانه آیلتس سعادت آباد ( دکتر آرین کریمی )


با سلام و تبریک سال نو


کلاس آیلتس نوروز 97



کلاس آنلاین آیلتس دکتر آرین کریمی در ایام نوروز سال 1397



طبق روال هر سال بصورت آنلاین از طریق اسکایپ یا واتس آپ برقرار خواهد بود



ظرفیت بسیار محدود



لطفا هر چه سریعتر ثبت نام خود را انجام دهید و جای خود را رزرو فرمایید

IELTS Class with Dr.Arian Karimi an IELTS Teacher from Iran


IELTS test in New Zealand – February 2018 (Academic)


Listening Test


Section 1. A phone conversation between a staff member and a lady interested in a part-time job as a cycling leader.

Section 2. Map of a zoo.

Section 3. Don’t remember.

Section 4. History of bicycles.


Reading Test


Passage 1. The history of graphite pencil.

Passage 2. Innovation in sports.

Passage 3. Different theories on the formation of planets.


Writing Test


Writing task 1 (a report)


We were given a pie chart describing the satisfaction level of full-time and part-time students with the services offered by the university library.


Writing task 2 (an essay)


These days the tradition of families eating meals together is declining. Why is this happening? What are the effects on families?


Speaking Test




– What is your full name?

– Can I see your ID?

– Where are you from?

– Do you work or study?

– When is your favorite time to study?


Cue Card


Think of a time when you had to be polite. Please say


– Where did this happen?

– How did you do this?

– Why did you have to be polite?




– Should children be allowed to say what’s on their mind or do they need to be controlled by parents?

– What are your thoughts on showing respect as a tourist traveling to a different country?

Skype IELTS Teacher - Online IELTS Course



IELTS Speaking test in Indonesia Held on January 2018


Speaking Test


IELTS Interview


– What is your full name?

– Can I see your ID?

– Where are you from?

– Do you work or study?

– What do you do?

– Where is your hometown?

– How did you get to this place from your home?

– Was it an easy trip?

– How do you get to work?

– What do you usually do at home?

– What do you do on your way to work?


IELTS Cue Card


Talk about a traditional product which is very popular in your country. Please say


– What is the product?

– How is it made?

– Why is it so popular?


IELTS Discussion


– Do people have to read about places they want to travel to?

– Why is it so?

– What do you prefer, traditional or modern products?


IELTS Speaking Skype Class with Dr. Arian Karimi from Iran

IELTS Speaking test in Ecuador on South America’s west coas on January in 2018



IELTS Speaking test


IELTS Interview


– What is your full name?

– Can I see your ID?

– Where are you from?

– Do you work or study?

– What activities do people do on holidays in your country?

– Were the things you did on holidays as a child different from now? Why?


IELTS Cue Card


Talk about something you bought that made you happy. Please say


– What was it?

– What did you do with it?

– Why did it make you happy?


IELTS Discussion


– What kind of things do people like to buy?

– Why do people buy those things?

– When something breaks, do people prefer to buy a new item or to fix the old one?

– Why is that?


ارسال به تلگرام دوستان


Academic Module IELTS test in Perth, Australia on January 2018


IELTS Writing and Speaking Course


IELTS Writing Test


IELTS Writing Task 1 (a report)


We were given a chart showing how many people visited cinemas in three different years in one European country during 7 days.


IELTS Writing Task 2 (an essay)


Nowadays many business meetings and training are happening online and not in real offices. Do you think advantages outweigh the disadvantages in this matter?


IELTS Speaking Test


IELTS Interview


– What is your full name?

– Can I see your ID?

– Where are you from?

– Do you work or study?

– Is it a full time or a part time job?

– Do you like it?

– Where do you live now?

– How long have you been living there?

– How far is your home from here?

– Do you like animals? Why?

– What kind of wild animal do you like?

– Do you have a pet at home?


IELTS Cue Card


Describe an important event in your life that you have celebrated recently. Please say


– What was it?

– Who was celebrating it with you?

– How did you celebrate it?


IELTS Discussion


– How did you feel after that?

– Do you like big or small celebrations?

– Why is that?

Take the Best IELTS Course


Academic Module of the IELTS test in the UK on January in 2018


Writing Test


Writing task 1 (a report)


We were given a bar graph showing men’s and women’s contribution to housework. The information was divided into different categories such as unemployed, part time, full time working women and full time working men in 1985, 1990 and 1995.


Writing task 2 (an essay)


Some people say it is the government’s responsibility to fund school buses, while others think parents should be responsible for bringing their kids to school. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


Speaking Test




– What is your full name?

– Can I see your ID?

– Where are you from?

– Do you work or study?

– What do you do?

– Do you like helping people?


Cue Card


Describe an occasion when you helped your friend. Please say


– When and where was it?

– How did you help?

– Why did you do it?




– What do you think about helping people?

– How can we teach children to help others?

– Do people help others more or less today, compared to the past?

– What do you think about volunteering?

– Is it necessary to volunteer?

– How can we encourage others to do it?

دوره اسپیکینگ آیلتس با بهترین استاد اسپیکینگ آیلتس


دوره تک مهارت آیلتس فشرده با دکتر آرین کریمی


IELTS Speaking test in Qatar on January 2018



Ielts Interview


– Can you tell me your full name, please?

– What should I call you?

– Do you work or study?

– What did you do to get your first job?

– Are you planning to do further studies?

– Do like to eat at home or out, and why?

– Do many people in your hometown eat out?

– How often do you go out with friends?

– When did you go out with friends last?

– What did you talk about?


Ielts Cue Card


Talk about a public park you went to in the past. Please say


– Where is the park located?

– Why did you go to that park?

– Who was there with you?

– How did you feel in that park?


Ielts Discussion


– What should the government do to protect the environment?

– Do you think these measures will help protect the environment?

– Do you think people now have better awareness of environmental protection?

– Do you think that the sense of natural beauty is changing over time?

پنج شنبه, 05 بهمن 1396.

IELTS Speaking in the UK in 2018

IELTS Speaking Class with Dr. Arian Karimi


IELTS Speaking test in the UK on January in 2018


Speaking Test


IELTS Interview


– What is your full name?

– Can I see your ID?

– Where are you from?

– Do you work or study?

– Do you read newspapers?

– Does your family read newspapers?

– Do you read any news online?

– What section of the newspaper do you read first? Why?


IELTS Cue Card


Talk about a toy you had in your childhood. Please say


– What was the toy?

– Who gave it to you?

– How old were you then?

– Why do you remember this toy?

– Do you still have this toy?


IELTS Discussion


– Who else played with your toy?

– Did you like it? Why?

– What kind of toys do girls like?

– What is the difference between toys for girls and boys?

– Is there a toy that was common in your childhood?

– Should children be allowed to choose their toys?

– What should you think of while buying toys?

– Do children learn something from toys?


IELTS Teacher in Australia  : Dr. Arian Karimi's Online IELTS Class Is Available in Australia


A Qualified IELTS Expert By The UK


Academic IELTS in Australia


IELTS Writing Test


IELTS Writing task 1 (a report)


We were given a chart showing the numbers of employees and factories producing silk in Britain and Wales between 1851 and 1901.


IELTS Writing Task 2 (an Essay)


Nowadays people living in large cities face problems in their daily lives. What are these problems? Should governments encourage people to move to smaller towns?


IELTS Speaking Test


IELTS Speaking Interview


– What is your full name?

– Can I see your ID?

– Where are you from?

– Do you work or study?

– What do you do?

– Do you like your job?


IELTS Speaking Interview Cue Card


Describe a situation when you helped someone. Please say

– When and where was it?

– Whom did you help?

– Why did you help him/her?


IELTS Speaking Interview Discussion


– Are there traditions of helping others in your country or region?

– Are people less likely to help others today?

IELTS Preparation Online course via Skype Whatsapp


with Dr. Arian Karimi IELTS Expert Certified by the UK from IRAN


General IELTS test in Canada on January in 2018


IELTS Listening test


Section 1. An employment application form.

Section 2. About arrangements for an event.

Section 3. A conversation between two people about an audio lecture.

Section 4. Don’t remember.


IELTS Reading test


Passage 1. About cleanliness of public transport including trains.

Passage 2. About several shops selling different items and each paragraph had a particular shop description.

Passage 3. Don’t remember.

Passage 4. About the Great Fire of London that happened in September 1666.


IELTS Writing test


Writing task 1 (a letter)


Write a letter to your colleague from another department asking him/her to give a presentation at a conference. In your letter say


– What is the conference about?

– Why do you want him/her to give the presentation?

– What arrangements will you have to make?


Writing Task 2 (an essay)


Some people want academic subjects such as history and physics to be taught at secondary school. Others want practical skills such asmechanical and gardening to be taught. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.