IELTS Teaching is a system which needs an in-depth understanding of the IELTS test format and more importantely a well-organized Lesson Plans for All Skills to make your that your IELTS students are in the right way in their preparation journey. To meet the IELTS standards I provided you with a good lesson plan in order to teach IELTS skillfully. If you want to teach IELTS either in person or online, we offer comprehensive IELTS teacher training that will equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel. Our IELTS teaching course is designed to provide you with the all you need to be successful as an IELTS teacher, including access to a wide range of free ielts teaching resources and tips. Whether you're an experienced teacher or novice ielts teacher, our ielts course will assist you in guiding your students and achieving success. Becoming a great IELTS teacher will be a chance to make a big difference to their lives all over the world.
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IELTS Teaching Academic Writing - Task One Lesson plan
Describing IELTS Teaching data and making approximations: Through introduction and practice of the language to describe increases and decreases, this lesson develops students' ability to describe changes in charts. With a sample line graph and bar chart, students are encouraged to write accurate sentences describing data including approximate amounts.
Developing range of grammatical structures and lexis in IELTS Teaching
This lesson provides extensive practice of sentence writing to help students develop their Grammatical Range and Accuracy, and Lexical Resource. By analysing the language of a sample answer and several sentence-transformation tasks, students will identify and practise a variety of ways to demonstrate accuracy and range in their own use of language.
Writing IELTS Teaching overview
By focusing on one aspect of Academic Task 1, the overview, this lesson develops students' ability to select key information to form the basis of this essential element in their response. After looking at a number of bar charts to identify the main trends / key features, students will then have practice of writing their own overviews.
Grammatical structures for describing diagrams in Teaching IELTS
In this lesson, students will look at two different process diagrams and the language required for their description. With analysis and practice of sentence structures for describing cause and result, and relative clauses, students will develop their grammatical range, and ability to write more complex sentences.
Writing IELTS Teaching - Task Two- Lesson plan for teaching IELTS
Developing arguments in ielts writing With a focus on planning and preparing to write, this lesson develops students’ ability to examine the question and generate ideas. By analysing the use of cohesive devices in two different ways to balance an argument, students are encouraged to provide coherent and cohesive responses in a final practice writing task.
Developing paragraphs in IELTS writing
This lesson provides extensive practice of building cohesive sentences to form fully coherent paragraphs. Through analysis of sentence and paragraph structure, including practice of writing complex sentences, students will develop their ability to write logical and fully-supported responses.
IELTS Essay structure and writing an introduction
This lesson introduces two possible essay structures in response to opinion or 2-sided argument essay questions. Students will work through activities to help them prepare to write before analysis of an effective introduction. Students are then given the opportunity to put this into practice in a final Task 2 essay question.
Problems and solutions
By analysing the question type and preparing to write, students will develop their awareness of this type of Task 2 question before looking at the language of cause and effect. Activities which require students to use these appropriate phrases, as well as language to express purpose at sentence level, prepare students to write a final problems and solutions Task 2 essay.
IELTS Reading Teaching Teaching Lesson plan
Developing Reading Skills :This comprehensive lesson introduces students to the sub-skills of reading that are essential for the IELTS Reading test. Exercises which allow students to identify the skills of surveying, skimming and scanning help to prepare them for the application of these skills in a final test practice. This practice stage provides an opportunity to focus on close reading and a final analysis of how and when to use each of the essential reading skills.
General Training IELTS Reading
This lesson provides an overview of what can be expected in the General Training Reading Test. Beginning with a familiarisation activity to raise awareness of its format, the lesson then provides practice in dealing with multiple texts – a feature of the first two sections of GT Reading. This lesson also consolidates the main reading skills that are essential across both Academic and GT Reading Tests.
Dealing with T/F/NG (and Y/N/NG) questions in IELTS reading part
Starting with an analysis of the question type, this lesson helps students clarify the differences between the options, true/yes, false/no and not given. Employing the reading skills covered in previous lessons, students are then introduced to a strategy to help clarify the statements provided and locate answers with a greater degree of confidence. This strategy is then put into practice with an IELTS reading text.
Dealing with Matching Headings questions in IELTS reading
From a general overview of the text to a specific search for topic sentences, this lesson follows a step-by-step breakdown of strategy which involves the reading skills covered in the lesson at the top of this page. Students are supported in their application of strategy before final test practice.
Dealing with Completion questions
Through a jigsaw task and peer-teaching, this dynamic lesson raises awareness of the common threads running through Summary, Note, Table and Flow chart completion questions. Splitting the class into expert groups on each type allows for a guided discovery approach to strategy which is then consolidated in open class. A focus on instructions allows for clarification of the need for accuracy in these question types.
Dealing with Matching Features questions
This lesson begins with a quick practice task which familiarises students with an idea of types of features and characteristics that they could be asked to look for in a text. A clear application of the previously-covered reading skills then allows students to arrive at a possible strategy to apply to this question type. Finishing with test practice, students can immediately put this strategy to use.
Dealing with Short Answer questions
Effective exam-taking practices are encouraged in this lesson through an application of reading skills which help students navigate a text quickly and accurately. This leads to a specific focus on the identification of key words, synonyms and scanning skills. Following on from this practice, students are then given the chance to reflect on their approach and identify the strategy used before applying this to an additional test practice task.
IELTS Teaching - Listening Part 1 IELTS Lesson plan
Form Completion and Multiple Choice questions: Beginning with a look at Form Completion questions, students use prediction skills to anticipate context and possible answers before applying this to practice of the question type. The lesson then provides practice of analysing stems in MCQs and anticipating the use of synonyms and rephrasing before test practice with a set of Multiple Choice questions.
Matching Features
This lesson introduces the use of synonyms throughout the Listening test with a particular focus on how they are used in Matching Features questions. With strategies to activate students’ awareness of the context of a listening, and the language they might hear, students are given the chance to apply these in practice of Matching Features questions taken from Part 1.
IELTS Teaching - Listening Part 2 Lesson plan
Short Answer questions: In this lesson, students will gain an understanding of the types of instruction they can find in question types which require them to write an answer. Students will also work through preparation strategies to be ready to listen and identify answers when the audio starts.
Note and Table Completion
Beginning with a Table Completion overview task to familiarise learners with the format of Part 2, this lesson introduces a strategy to help test takers deal with both Table and Note Completion question types. A jigsaw exercise provides opportunity for communication between learners in the discovery of test strategy before the application of this in a full Part 2 practice.
IELTS Teaching - Listening Part 3 Lesson plan
IELTS Listening Matching questions: Following an overview of this part of the IELTS Listening test, this lesson focuses on a strategy for dealing with Matching question types. An analysis of strategy is followed by a focus on the language to express certainty and uncertainty to prepare learners to listen for the speakers’ attitudes, which is often tested in this part of the IELTS listening test. This awareness of language and test strategy can then be applied in the final task, practice of this question type from Listening Part 3.
IELTS Listening Sentence Completion
This lesson begins with an activity to raise awareness of the instructions provided for completion question types and the accuracy required. Following this, students look at how to identify the context of the Listening prior to hearing the audio being played. Students then work together on the analysis of a strategy before applying this in the final practice of Sentence Completion questions taken from Listening Part 3.
IELTS Teaching - Listening Part 4 Lesson plan
IELTS Listening Note-taking : With an initial note-taking task which draws attention to the real-life application of the skills being tested in Part 4, this lesson looks at Diagram, Summary and Table Completion question types. After working through a strategy for each of these, students are given practice of a full Part 4 which contains all three of these question types.
IELTS Listening Keeping up with the speaker
This lesson tackles the challenge of Part 4 of the Listening test through activities which provide strategies for students to keep up with the speaker. By analysing the structure of an academic talk and the use of signposting expressions, students are given the opportunity to apply strategy in test practice of Part 4 in full.
IELTS Teaching - Speaking Part One Lesson plan
IELTS Speaking Test familiarisation and lexical resource : This familiarisation lesson raises awareness of the format of the Speaking section of IELTS through an introductory quiz, an analysis of model answers and practice of Part 1. Students will gain an understanding of the potential topics of this part of the test and the vocabulary that may be required.
IELTS Speaking Developing fluency and coherence
This lesson develops students’ ability to identify and use appropriate words and phrases to introduce opinions, reasons, results and facts, as well as to link ideas and express uncertainty. With practice of Part 1 questions, students are encouraged to use these words and phrases to provide extended answers.
IELTS Speaking Grammatical range and accuracy and lexical resource
With a focus on upgrading and improving answers, this lesson raises awareness of the need to demonstrate a wide range of both grammar and vocabulary in the Speaking section of the IELTS test. Students will analyse sample responses and produce their own examples before practice of Part 1 questions.
IELTS Speaking Question making
This lesson provides extensive practice of Part 1 of the Speaking section of the IELTS test by giving students the opportunity to design their own questions on a variety of Part 1 topics and use these in paired speaking practice.
IELTS Teaching - Speaking Part Two Lesson plan
IELTS Speaking Improving grammatical range and accuracy : With a focus on the range and accurate use of verb tenses, this lesson helps students to develop the structures used in their own responses to the Long Turn of the IELTS Speaking section. Through identifying accurate use of discourse markers, students are also given practice of extending their responses by using a range of cohesive devices.
IELTS Speaking Improving lexical resource
Beginning with a communicative crossword, this fun lesson looks at the language of description and definition that is often required in Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking section. Students will use paraphrasing, rephrasing and synonyms to describe objects, concepts and events.
IELTS Speaking Using PPF (past, present and future strategy)
This lesson introduces one possible strategy to help students develop their response in Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking section by referring to different times. Through an analysis of tense use, this lesson also helps students to develop their own grammatical range and accuracy in practice of Part 2 style questions.
IELTS Teaching - Speaking Part Three Lesson plan
IELTS Speaking Part Three Overview and practice : This lesson begins with a review of what to expect in Part 3 of the Speaking section of the IELTS test. Students are then introduced to expressions to ‘buy time’ to think and are encouraged to consider alternative perspectives to ensure they are able to provide appropriately-extended answers in a final Part 3 practice task.
IELTS Speaking Part Three Using linking devices
Through matching tasks and analysis of use, this lesson develops students’ ability to identify and employ appropriate linking devices for comparing, commenting, speculating, explaining and generalising. Through a number of Part 3 practice questions, students will put these devices into use in providing extensive responses.
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